Trailer Crane AHK 30/1400
11.4.1 Emergency Operation - Crane Mode
Pos : 11.15 /Kothes! N etwor k/Boeker/Stör ung/N otbetätigung Kranbedienung AHK EU Böc ker (00985) @ 10\mod_1146741296793_1.doc @ 96907
If the drive motor or the electrical system fails, then the device can be retracted and
dismounted via hydraulic hand pumps in an emergency situation. All crane functions can be
retracted via the emergency activation. If there is a malfunction, initiate load reducing
measures, i.e. immediately lower the suspended load to the ground, retract the crane, and
bring it into transport position.
WARNING! Danger to life!
Overturning the device due to misoperation can cause life-threatening and fatal
injuries! Always heed the following in the event of malfunction:
If the machine has been stopped with an EMERGENCY-STOP device, the load
moment limitation is disabled.
It is thus possible that the machine is operated to non-permissible reaches.
During emergency crane activation, never use the emergency activation of the
WARNING! Danger to life!
Overturning the device due to misoperation can cause life-threatening and fatal
injuries! If possible dismount the device manually without risk. In the event of
malfunction strictly follow the procedure below:
Lower the load
Remove the load
Retract and lower the telescoping arm
Completely dismount the device, see "Dismounting the Device".
Dismount the outriggers
Have the device repaired immediately.
ATTENTION! Property damage!
Turn the crane back to its initial direction of rotation. The machine is not
automatically shut down when the maximum permissible turning angle is
reached. There is thus a risk of damage to the hoses connecting the chassis to
the crane. Check direction of rotation!
If the crane operator operates the device in emergency mode, he does so on his own