Trailer Crane AHK 30/1400
2.8 Safety Instructions in Accordance with BGV D6
Pos : 2.34 /Kothes! Networ k/Boeker/Sicherheit/Sic her heitshi nweis e i n Anl ehnung an BGV D6 AH K Böc ker @ 10\mod_1146735618365_1.doc @ 96828
2.8.1 Inspections
Inspection before commissioning and after significant modifications
Article 25.
(1) Power operated cranes must be subjected to an inspection by an expert prior
to commissioning and after significant changes.
(2) The inspection prior to commissioning referred to in paragraph 1 is not required if
verification of the type test has been submitted.
Recurring Inspections
Article 26.
(1) Cranes must be inspected in accordance with the implementation conditions
and operational conditions, at least once a year by an expert.
Inspection Log
Article 27.
The results of the inspections must be entered in the inspection log. The
inspection log must be shown on request.
§ 28.
Experts for the inspection of cranes are experts appointed and trained by the
supervisory agencies responsible for the monitoring of technical equipment.
IV. Operation
Crane Operators, Crane Maintenance Personnel
Only persons who satisfy the requirements cited in the Chapter "Operating Personnel"
should be employed to operate or maintain the crane.
Obligations of the Crane Operator
Article 30.
(1) The crane operator must check the function of the brakes and the emergency
restraint devices prior to starting work. He must observe the condition of the crane and be
alert to visible defects.
(2) The crane operator must shut down crane operation if there are defects that jeopardize
operational safety.
(3) The crane operator must report all crane defects to the responsible supervisor, and if
there is a change in crane operator, also must report the same to his replacement. For
mobile cranes that are setup and dismounted at their site of implementation, the crane
operator must also enter defects in the crane log book.
(4) Control devices should only be operated from control stations.