Trailer Crane AHK 30/1400
6 Setup
Pos : 6.3 /Kothes! Networ k/Boeker/Ins tall ati on und Inbetriebnahme/1.1 Sic herheits hinweise Titel @ 8\mod_1141485072352_1.doc @ 73530
6.1 Safety instructions
Pos : 6.4 /Kothes! Networ k/Boeker/Ins tall ati on und Inbetriebnahme/Sic herheits hinweis e allgemei n AH K EU Böc ker ( 00985) @ 10\mod_1147433757089_1.doc @ 98608
WARNING! Danger to life!
Suspended loads might become dislodged, leading to serious injury or even
Comply with the following instructions when using the device:
Do not exceed the permissible load.
Do not switch off the device with a suspended load.
All outriggers must be properly placed prior to device setup.
Driving the device in its setup state is prohibited.
Driving the device with suspended load is prohibited.
Changing the position and condition of the outriggers after the device is setup is
Deactivating or bypassing protective devices is prohibited.
Remove suspended loads and immediately stop operation if there are
Using the device to break stuck loads loose is prohibited.
Pushing the device against obstacles is prohibited.
Intentionally inducing swinging is prohibited.
It is prohibited for persons to be on the device or in the outrigger and slewing
area of the device during operation.
Prevent unauthorized access to the device.
Pos : 6.5 /Kothes! Networ k/Boeker/Ins tall ati on und Inbetriebnahme/1.1 War nung vor sc hwebenden Lasten Titel @ 10\mod_1146212687152_1.doc @ 95312