Trailer Crane AHK 30/1400
(5) The crane operator must ensure that
1. Prior to releasing the energy supply to the drive aggregates, all control devices are placed
in zero or idle position,
2. Prior to leaving the control station the control devices must be brought into zero or idle
(6) The crane operator must ensure that
1. The crane is placed in the support bracket when subjected to wind, or at close of work.
(7) If the crane operator cannot observe the load, or the load suspension gear in the case of
an empty run, then he should only operate the crane as directed by a guide.
(8) If needed the crane operator must give warning signals.
(9) When using load suspension devices that hold the load through magnetic, suction, or
friction forces without additional securing measures, as well as for cranes without automatic
lift or outrigger retraction brakes, the load cannot be moved over persons. This also applies
for all other cranes, unless loosening and falling of the load or parts of the load is prevented
by the load suspension device.
(10) Loads that are lashed manually can only be moved on the signal of the person who
lashed the load, the signal of the guide, or signal of another person who has been assigned
by customer. If signals must be used to communicate with the crane operator, then such
signals must be agreed between the responsible person and the crane operator, before they
are used.
(11) The crane operator must keep the control devices within reach as long as a load is
suspended by the crane.
(12) Gear switching movements of lift and boom retraction structures that extend over an idle
position should not be executed under load.
(13) Emergency restraint switches should not be approached as part of normal operation.
(14) The crane operator cannot take up a load by retracting the boom after the load moment
device has tripped.
Article 31.
Cranes should not be loaded beyond the maximum permissible load. Adjustable
load moment devices must be adapted to the respective structural condition of the crane.
Safety Distance when Storing
Article 32.
The customer must ensure that for rail-bound and stationary operated cranes
when storing, a safety distance of at least 0,5 m is maintained from the outer moving parts of
the crane to the materials that are being stored.