Spell List
This screen is where you choose what spells you will have memorized and view the spells that you know.
The spells your spell casters know are shown on the right. To memorize a spell, L-click on it. The spell
appears on the left in the “memorized” area, unusable until the character has a chance to rest. (See the Rest
button on page 15). Spells can only be cast when they are memorized.
The memorized spells are shown on the left. Every time the spell caster sleeps he will memorize the spells in
this area, allowing them to be cast. If the memorized spell area is full and you want to memorize a different
spell, L-click on the spell, and it will vanish.
Bards and Sorcerers are special types of spell casters who are not required to memorize spells. Like other
spell casters they are only able to cast a certain number of spells each day, but unlike the other spell casters
they do not need to prepare which ones they will be before hand.
Class Spell Type:
This lists the spells available to your selected class. The classes that can cast spells are
bards, clerics, druids, paladins, rangers, sorcerers and wizards. If you have more than one casting class then
more spell buttons become available.
(1) Class Spell Type
(2) Domain Spells
(3) Spell Level
(4) Spell Slots Available
(5) Known Spells
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