Raising the Dead
Curative and healing spells have no effect on a dead character - he can only be returned to life with a Raise
Dead or Resurrection spell or item.
ADVENTURER’S TIP: Characters slain by a Disintegrate, Death Spell or Finger of Death
spell cannot be brought back to life by any means, so don’t go around casting these
spells at other party members.
A blinded character is also called an “easy target.” Blinded characters suffer a 50% miss chance, a -2 to their
Armor Class, and a lose all of their Dexterity and Strength modifiers. Blindness can be cured by waiting out
the duration or by the cleric spell, Remove Blindness.
Not surprisingly, a deaf character has lost his hearing. While not life threatening, a spellcaster who is deaf-
ened loses the ability to cast spells correctly. Any spell cast by a deaf spellcaster has a 50% chance of failure
when cast (this is added onto any other pre-existing spell failure chances on the spellcaster). The effects of
deafness are temporary; time (or a full night’s rest) will restore a character’s hearing.
Some creatures in the game transmit disease through their touch or their bite. If a character is diseased, he
continually takes damage over time or suffers an effect over time (such as Confusion or Paralyzation) until
cured with the cleric spell Remove Disease or a curative that specifically targets disease.
Energy Drain
Some undead creatures can drain the energy from player characters. For every “level” drained, a creature is
-1 to hit, -1 to saves, and loses five of their maximum hit points. The Energy Drain state persists until the play-
er can get a cleric to cast Restoration on the afflicted character.
Paralysis and Hold
A character or creature affected by paralysis becomes totally immobile for the duration of the spell’s effect.
The victim can breathe, think, see, and hear, but he is unable to speak or move in any manner. This may be
an advantage if you find the victim to be particularly annoying. Any attacks on a paralyzed or held creature
are automatically successful.
When a character is phased, he becomes temporarily disassociated in space. Although he can still move and
attack as normal, he will take minor damage over time until the phasing passes, at which point he will
resume his normal physical form.
A character or creature attacked with a poisoned weapon or by a venomous creature must make a Fortitude
saving throw. Depending on the type of poison, this saving throw will either negate the effects of the poison or
lessen them. Most poisons are usually deadly within hours, so finding quick treatment is recommended.
Every time characters go on an adventure they learn something. They may learn a little more about their
physical limits, encounter a creature they have never seen before, try a spell as yet unused, or discover a new
peculiarity of nature. These gains are measured by earning experience points (XP). Experience points repre-
sent a number of factors: increased confidence, physical exercise, insight, and on-the-job training. When a
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