immune to normal weapons. The staff also drains an additional 1d2 hit points per strike that is transferred
over to the wielder’s own hit points. These extra hit points can take the wielder over his maximum hit points
but any hit points gained in such a manner are temporary and will dissipate in a turn.
Defensive Harmony (Enchantment) [Lawful]
Level: Clr 4, Pal 4, Helm 4
Range: Caster
Duration: 6 rounds
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: 10-foot radius
Saving Throw: None
Defensive Harmony allows a group of creatures to act as a single unit for a single battle or encounter,
enhancing the coordination of their attacks and tactics. This effect is always centered on the caster but affects
all those within a 10-foot radius. The affected can move outside of this area after the spell is cast and still
enjoy the benefits of harmony. While the spell is in effect, each affected creature gains a +4 deflection armor
bonus. This lasts for 6 rounds or until successfully dispelled.
Delay Poison (Conjuration)
Level: Brd 2, Clr 2, Drd 2, Pal 2, Rgr 1
Range: Touch
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: None
This spell will drastically slow the effects of poisons in a poisoned creature, increasing its chances of survival
so there is time to find curative magic at a temple or from some other healers. This spell will also sober up a
character that has drunken himself into a stupor.
Delayed Blast Fireball (Evocation)
Level: Sor/Wiz 7
Range: Sight of Caster
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 7
Area of Effect: 30-foot radius
Saving Throw: Reflex half
This spell creates a fireball that hovers at a point determined by the caster. The fireball will stay in position
until someone walks too close to it, at which point it will explode for 1d8 points of damage per caster level.
(Reflex save for half damage).
Destruction (Necromancy)
Level: Clr 7, Talos 7
Range: Close
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: Fortitude partial
This spell imbues the caster’s hands with destructive negative energy that will release when a successful touch
attack is made. This attack will instantly destroy a target, blasting it into small chunks. A Fortitude saving
throw is allowed and if successful the target takes 10d6 magic damage instead of being destroyed. This spell
has no affect on undead or constructs. Note that a character struck with a Destruction spell cannot be raised
from the dead with a Raise Dead or Resurrection spell.
Dire Charm (Enchantment)
Level: Brd 2, Sor/Wiz 3, Bane 3
Range: Sight of Caster
Duration: 20 rounds
Casting Time: 3
Area of Effect: 1 Humanoid
Saving Throw: Will negates
Medium-sized or smaller
This spell is similar to the Charm Person spell. However, the affected creature goes into a berserk state, want-
ing no one to harm his master (the spell caster). Thus, the creature will fight enemies of the caster, even for-
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