ADVENTURER’S TIP: While it may be tempting to drop your Intelligence and Wisdom
to 3 during character creation, remember that a low Intelligence can limit the num-
ber of skill points you will get each and every level, and a low Wisdom can make you
susceptible to mind-influencing spells.
Hit Dice
As characters go up levels, their number of hit points increase based on their Hit Dice (HD). Each class has a
different hit die which reflects their ability to take damage in combat. For example, barbarians lead the pack
with a d12, which indicates they gain 1-12 hit points when going up a level. A wizard, on the other hand,
being a poor fighter, gains only 1-4 hit points when going up a level. The number of Hit Dice each class
receives is shown in the character’s class description. One of the options in Icewind Dale II is to have charac-
ter’s receive the maximum number of hit points per level rather than have the computer roll the character’s
Hit Die each level. Decide how you would like to play Icewind Dale II and change this option accordingly.
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