Some feats have prerequisites. You must have the listed ability score, feat, skill, base attack bonus, or any
number of other requirements in order to select or use that feat. A character can gain a feat at the same level
at which he gains the prerequisite. Lastly, you can’t use a feat if you’ve lost a prerequisite. For example, if
your Strength drops below 13 because a ray of enfeeblement hits you, you can’t use the Power Attack feat.
Special Feats
These are feats available only to the specified class. Only clerics or paladins can take Extra Turning, only
fighters can take Weapon Specialization, and only wizards can take Spell Mastery. These feats are described in
the respective class entries for those classes in Chapter 3: Classes.
Using Feats
Some feats in Icewind Dale II are active all of the time, while other feats require you to activate them for a
specific situation. For feats that need to be activated, you will need to press your character’s Special Abilities
icon to get to them. Once pressed, all of your characters skills, feats, and class, racial and special abilities
will be available to choose. See the section on game Interfaces for more detail.
Feat Descriptions
Aegis of Rime
Your mastery of cold magic has yielded impressive results.
You must be able to cast 4th level spells and have a spellcraft of 10 or higher.
Grants 5 Cold Resistance (permanent), and a +20% increase to all Cold Damage done.
You are equally adept at using either hand.
Dex 15+.
You ignore all penalties for using an off hand. You are neither left-handed nor right-handed.
Without this feat, a character who uses his or her off hand suffers a -4 penalty to attack
rolls, ability checks, and skill checks. For example, a right-handed character wielding a weapon with
her left hand suffers a -4 penalty to attack rolls with that weapon.
This feat helps offset the penalty for fighting with two weapons. See the Two-Weapon Fighting
feat on page 73, and the table on Two-Weapon Fighting Penalties, page 147. A ranger wearing light
armor or no armor can fight with two weapons as if he had the feats Ambidexterity and Two-Weapon
Aqua Mortis
Your mastery of acid magic has yielded impressive results.
You must be able to cast 4th level spells and have a spellcraft of 10 or higher.
Grants 5 Acid Resistance (permanent), and a +20% increase to all Acid Damage done.
Armor Proficiency (Light, Medium, Heavy)
None for Light, previous weight for Medium and Heavy.
When you wear a type of armor with which you are proficient, the armor check penalty
applies only to Hide, Move Silently, and Pick Pocket checks.
A character that is wearing armor with which she is not proficient suffers its armor check
penalty on attack rolls and on all skill checks that involve moving.
All classes except for wizards, sorcerers, and monks get Light Armor Proficiency for free.
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