+2 to Constitution, +2 to Search, +2 to Fortitude saves against poison, +2 to saves
against spells , +1 to Hit Drow, Mind Flayers, and Driders, +4 to AC vs. giants, and darkvision.
-2 to Dexterity
Favored Class:
Gray Dwarf:
Also known as duergar, the gray dwarves of the Forgotten Realms live even deeper under-
ground than their shield dwarf and gold dwarf cousins. The duergar share little in common with other
dwarves and practice slavery in their monstrous subterranean cities. Often motivated by greed and a thirst for
power, gray dwarves are known throughout the Realms as devious, efficient warriors. Duergar almost always
have gray hair and skin.
+2 to Constitution, +2 to Search, +2 to Fortitude saves against poison, +2 to saves
against spells , +4 to AC vs. giants, darkvision, can cast Invisibility 1/Day, Immunity to Paralysis, +4 to
Move Silently.
-4 to Charisma, character level is considered 2 levels higher when the experience
for advancing levels is determined, -2 to hit, damage, and saving throws when outside during the day.
Favored Class:
Elves comprise elves (moon elves), and two sub-races, the drow (dark elves) and wild elves.
Elves tend to be shorter and slimmer than humans with delicate features. Elves are generally looked
upon as being frivolous and aloof. Elves have a natural resistance to sleep magic, possess darkvision, and are
skilled in the use of the bow and longsword. Elves gain a bonus to Dexterity, but a penalty to Constitution.
+2 to Dexterity, +2 to Search, Immunity to Sleep and have a +2 to saves against
Enchantment Magic.
Martial Weapons:
Large Sword and Martial Weapons: Bows, and darkvision.
-2 to Constitution.
Favored Class:
Dark Elf:
Dark elves, also known as drow, are the subterranean cousins of high elves. Their black skin and
pale hair are a curse for their allegiance with the spider goddess, Lolth. Drow societies are usually ruled by
cruel clerics of Lolth and their noble houses. Dark elves are known for their arrogance, cruelty, and pen-
chant for civil war.
+2 to Dexterity, +2 to Intelligence, +2 to Charisma, +2 to Search , Spell Resistance of
11 + character level, +2 to all Will Saves, +2 to saves against Enchantment Magic. Immunity to Sleep
spells, Faerie Fire 3/Day, starts with the Feats Martial Weapons: Large Sword and Martial Weapons:
Bows, and darkvision.
-2 to Constitution, character level is considered 2 levels higher when the experi-
ence for advancing levels is determined, and -1 to hit, damage, and saving throws when outside dur-
ing the day.
Favored Class:
Wild Elf:
The very rare wild elves are rarely seen by others, because they live in the heart of thick forests
and they have incredible skill at keeping hidden. Also called green elves, their skin tends to be a dark brown,
and their hair ranges from black to light brown, lightening to silvery white with age.
+2 to Dexterity, +2 to Search, Immunity to Sleep spells, starts with the Feats.
Martial Weapons:
Large Sword and Martial Weapons: Bows, and darkvision.
-2 to Intelligence.
Favored Class:
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