Tool Tip:
Delay adjusts how quickly the Windows Tool-Tip pop-up help appears. The left of the slider is the
briefest period of time.
ADVENTURER’S TIP: You can always make the tool tip appear instantly by hitting the
“Tab” key.
Mouse Scroll Speed:
Adjusts how quickly the screen scrolls across the game world when the mouse is at
the edge of the screen.
Keyboard Scroll Speed:
Adjusts how quickly the screen scrolls across the game world when the number
pad arrow keys are used.
Adjusts the game’s difficulty. Sliding to the left makes the game easier to play.
Dither Always:
Allows your characters to dither through obstacles that would normally obscure them.
Group Darkvision:
Enables darkvision if any character in the selected group has the darkvision ability.
Disable this to remove all weather effects. This may improve performance on some lower
end machines.
Max HP/Level:
This toggles the random roll for hit points for level increases on and off. If this is on, then
the character always receives maximum hit points when leveling up. If this is off, then extra hit points are
determined randomly when the character levels up.
This toggles on/off the blood and ‘excessive’ damage and death animations in the game.
Modifies the frequency that markers and locators appear in the game, and turns on and off the
various messages that come up during the game. Note that you can ask the game to display the ‘to-hit’ rolls in
your Feedback settings (for explanation of the ‘to hit’ roll, see Combat on page 39).
Allows you to set various conditions under which the game will automatically pause.
Screen Resolution
Icewind Dale II allows you to play at 800 x 600 resolution, but if you would rather play at a higher resolu-
tion, you can modify it in the Config program. The Config program can be reached via the shortcut in the
Start Menu. Note that even though you may run the game at 1024 x 768, 1280 x 960, 1600 x 1200, or 2048 x
1536 resolution, Icewind Dale II only officially supports 800 x 600 resolution.
Heart of Fury
If you’re finding Icewind Dale II too easy, or if you just want to play the game again at a much higher difficulty
level, Heart of Fury Mode is a special option available in the Config screen that allows you to greatly enhance
the strength of creatures in the game (and give you more experience points as well as cool new items not
available in the normal game). Heart of Fury mode can only be turned on via the Config utility, which can be
run via the ‘Icewind Dale II Configuration’ shortcut in your Start Menu, or via the Autorun program.
Miscellaneous Functions and Hot-Keys
You can key many of the actions in Icewind Dale II to hot keys (see the reference card and options screen).
Quick Save:
You can quickly save your game by hitting the ‘q’ key. Your Quick Save is always saved in the
same slot, which is labeled as such.
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