Dialogue Window
You’ll be speaking to a number of people in Icewind Dale II over the course of the game. To initiate dialogue,
simply select the person you want to speak to. You cannot speak to anyone with a red circle (the red circle
means they’re hostile and don’t want to talk to you).
Dialogue occurs with the selected character only; changing the character having the dialogue is not possible
until dialogue is exited and restarted with a new character selected. If multiple characters are selected, the left-
most selected character (in the portraits near the bottom of the screen) is the one who initiates the dialogue.
When you speak to someone, you will be presented with a list of numbered options for what to say in red. You
can either L-click on what you want to say from the list, or hit the number of the response you want to choose.
When more text scrolls up in the window than can be read at once, or when dialogue is paused to give you a
chance to read the text, you can L-click “Continue” at the bottom of the dialogue window to view more text.
The text that has been already read can be reviewed with the scroll arrows on the right (up or down).
ADVENTURER’S TIP: Keep in mind that your options can vary depending on your char-
acter’s statistics (Intelligence, Charisma), their class, race, and skills. If you’re not
having much luck with an NPC with one character, try speaking to him with another
with a different race, a higher Intelligence or Charisma abilities, or different skills.
During dialogue the character who is talking has his portrait highlighted and will flash in the main game
area. The NPC being spoken to will also flash.
ADVENTURER’S TIP: Keep in mind that there are points in the game where even a
character who is hidden or invisible will still be seen and spoken to in order to allow
the advancement of the plot.
Stores, Inns, Taverns, and Temples
All the stores in Icewind Dale II use a similar interface for the buying and selling of goods, information, and
services. When you speak to the owner of a store, a panel will replace the bottom portion of the screen with
buttons for the various services offered. These services include:
Rent Rooms:
Inns usually have four different types of rooms that the player can use to rest at
night, ranging from peasant rooms to nobleman’s lodgings. The more expensive the room, the
more you’ll heal while you rest.
Buying and Selling:
This screen is separated into a Buy window and a Sell window. Items
the store offers are shown in the Buy window. Items from the character’s inventory are shown
in the Sell window. To buy an item, L-click on it in the Buy window. The item icon will become
highlighted, but will not be purchased until you L-click “Buy” at the bottom of the window. You
may select multiple items and the total for all selected items will be shown next to the “Buy” button. The Sell
window works the same way, although the shopkeeper may not want to buy the items in your inventory
(unwanted items are gray-shaded). Items unusable by the character are shaded red.
The number of each item the proprietor has in stock of each item is listed in parentheses after each item
(unlimited items have no number beside them), and if you wish, you may buy multiple versions of each item.
To buy multiple versions of an item, double-click on the item in the store, which will bring up a menu that
allows you to select how many of that item you would like to buy. Enter the number, and if you have enough
gold, they’re yours.
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