Quivering Palm
Starting at 15th level, a monk can use the quivering palm. This terrifying attack allows the monk to set up
vibrations within the body of another creature that can be fatal.
The monk can use the quivering palm attack once per day. Constructs, oozes, plants, undead, incorporeal
creatures, and creatures immune to critical hits cannot be affected. The monk must be of higher level than
the target (or have more levels than the target’s number of Hit Dice). If the monk strikes successfully and the
target takes damage from the blow, the quivering palm attack succeeds. Unless the target makes a Fortitude
saving throw (DC 10 + one-half the monk’s level + Wisdom modifier), it dies. If the saving throw is success-
ful, the target takes no damage.
Empty Body
At 19th level or higher, a monk can assume an ethereal state for 2 rounds a number of times per day equal to
his level divided by 2.
Perfect Self
At 20th level, the monk gains damage reduction 20/+1. This means that the monk ignores (instantly regener-
ates) the first 20 points of damage from any attack unless the damage is dealt by a weapon with a +1
enhancement bonus (or better).
Lay Hands
A paladin can heal himself or others by laying his hands upon them. A paladin can heal his Charisma modifi-
er in hit points per experience level in this manner. This ability is only usable once per day.
Aura of Courage
Beginning at 2nd level, a paladin is immune to fear (magical or otherwise). Allies within 10 feet of the pal-
adin gain a +4 morale bonus on saving throws against fear effects.
Remove Disease
Paladins have the ability to cure disease a number of times per day depending on their level divided by 3.
This is identical to the 3rd level cleric spell, Remove Disease.
Smite Evil
Once per day, a paladin of 2nd level or higher may attempt to smite evil with one normal melee attack. He
adds his Charisma modifier (if positive) to his attack roll and deals 1 extra point of damage per level.
Divine Grace
A paladin applies her Charisma modifier (if positive) as a bonus to all saving throws.
Divine Health
A paladin is immune to all diseases, including magical diseases such as mummy rot and lycanthropy.
Turning Undead
Paladins are able to turn undead starting at 3rd level. Their ability always remains two levels behind that of a
cleric. For example, when determining the success and effectiveness of a turning attempt a 5th level paladin
would be considered a 3rd level cleric. See the Cleric special abilities section for more information on turn-
ing undead.
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