Interface Menu Buttons
The buttons located in the circle towards the lower right side of the screen give you direct access to the vari-
ous interface screens in the game. The buttons are as follows:
Character Record
Spell List
Party Formation/Character Arbitration
Each of these buttons takes you directly to the interface screen for the character selected. If the
entire party is selected, the appropriate screen for the party leader will come up.
This picture represents the passage of time in the game. L-clicking on this button has the same
effect as pressing the space bar - it will pause and unpause the game.
Select All:
Selects or unselects all six characters.
AI on/off:
Turns a character’s (or group of character’s) AI on or off. Characters with AI
turned off will not react to their environment unless manually controlled and will not move or
otherwise do anything unless dictated by their unmodifiable section of script (the portion that
players are unable to change, representing the personality of that character).
When you select the Rest button on the world screen, your entire party will rest until
everyone is at full health. When you select the Rest button on any other screen, you will be pre-
sented with three options: normal Rest (8 hours), Rest Until Healed (rest until everyone is at
full health), and Cancel. When you select Rest or Rest Until Healed and confirm, time will pass
in the game, and your characters will heal and regain their spells. Keep in mind that resting is normally
allowed only in inns, outdoor areas (provided all the monsters in the vicinity or on the map have been slain),
or with permission from a local resident.
ADVENTURER’S TIP: It is possible that you will be attacked while resting in certain
areas if a group of wandering monsters chances upon your party.
Tool Tips
“Tool Tips” are the small information windows that pop up whenever you leave your mouse cursor over any
object in the game for a period of time (including buttons, characters, items, signs, and so on). The time it
takes the tool tip to pop up is set in the options; to bring up the Tool Tips instantly, press the “Tab” button.
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