High signal at fieldbus, digital output 11
Fieldbus DOUT 11
High signal at fieldbus, digital output 12
Fieldbus DOUT 12
No valid communication via fieldbus (despite available connection).
FailState fieldbus
Manual operation is active (handwheel is engaged); optional signal.
Handwheel active
Partial Valve Stroke Test (PVST) is active.
PVST active
Partial Valve Stroke Test (PVST) could not be successfully completed.
PVST fault
Partial Valve Stroke Test (PVST) was aborted or could not be started. Remedy: Perform RESET or restart
PVST abort
This signal can be configured (parameter
Failure (configurable) M0879
) and comprises a combination
of the following signals which can also be configured:
Fault (Cfg) M0880
Warnings (Cfg) M0881
Not ready REMOTE (Cfg) M0882
Failure (configurable)
Function Interlock is active for operation mode REMOTE.
Interlock Remote
Function Interlock is active for operation mode Local.
Interlock Local
Interlock OPEN is active (enable signal for operation commands in direction OPEN available).
Interlock OPEN
Interlock CLOSED is active (enable signal for operation commands in direction CLOSE available).
Interlock CLOSE
The operation mode Interlock is active.
<By-pass function> enable for operation commands of main or by-pass valves is active.
Bypass Sync Out
Operation command executed without enable signal
Bypass Sync Out
Interlock by-pass
Safe ESD function (Emergency Shut Down) is active.
Safe ESD
Safe STOP function is active.
Safe Stop
A SIL fault has occurred (collective signal).
SIL fault
A SIL function is active. Collective signal of both states, Safe ESD or Safe STOP.
SIL function active
The actuator is switched on and no fault is present
System ok
Torque wrn OPEN
Torque wrn CLOSE
This signal will be activated if at least on the lifetime accounts (in %) has passed the activation threshold
configured for this signal.
This signal can be configured (parameter
Maintenance required M0871
) and comprises a combination
of the following signals:
Mainten. mechanics
Mainten. lubricant
Mainten. interval
Maintenance reminder
The operation via the push buttons on the local controls is disabled.
The actuators runs while the indication light for the respective direction of operation (OPEN/CLOSE) is
blinking simultaneously at local controls.
Selection list of binary signals for digital inputs (DIN)
<Additional inputs> or additional <Parallel interface>
Depending on the version, the actuator controls are equipped with up to 10 digital
The inputs are designed for binary signals (standard input level: +24 V DC) and can
be used, for example, to receive operation commands OPEN, STOP, CLOSE, to
control intermediate positions or for the EMERGENCY signal.
Configuration of digital inputs
Required user level:
Specialist (4)
Device configuration M0053
I/O interface M0139
Digital inputs M0116
Actuator controls
ACV 01.2/ACVExC 01.2 Profibus DP