4.6.2 Controller Status check voltages
Shows “Live” status of c
ontroller, voltages, active faults
and temperature.
Power Supplies:
Alarm icon will appear on controller
console and under “Active Faults” (see below) if any
of these values are out of range:
24 VDC:
Represents voltage from 24V power supply.
Value is reported as on or off (.0-24.0 volts) and is for
external use via 24V I/O port
15 Vdc and -15Vdc
These are voltages that power
the torque transducer for IAC & IPC controllers only
5 VDC:
Represents voltage from 5V power supply
powering controller electronics
3.3V DC:
Represents controller electronics internal
3.3V Bus voltage
1.8 VDC:
Represents controller electronics internal
1.8V Bus voltage
CPU Temperature (deg C):
Represents temperature
inside controller measured in Celsius
Mainboard Temperature:
Displayed in Celsius
Active Faults:
Any tool/controller faults will be shown in this
4.6.3 Live Tool Features
: Shows a live view of tool transducer in volts.
Voltage will be approximately 2.0 volts (± 0.005 Vdc)
when tool is at rest and torque is zero (verify the
voltage is within the green zone in the graph).
During a rundown, tool transducer voltage increases as
torque increases.
Encoder Signals:
For tools that are
“Angle Encoder”
equipped this will display updates as tool output
Signals Check:
Encoders sensors can be monitored for
functionand releiabilty
A CAL signals check can also be toggled Forcing
the cal check will drive the torque transducer voltage
to near 2.0V if the tool is operating correctly