Error Messages
One or more self tests failed. Error code: XXXX
This message appears if an instrument failure was detected when the Test Set was turned
on. (For example, having a stuck front-panel key during turn on.) The numbered error
message corresponds to a binary-weighted group of errors listed in the *TST
Command description in GPIB Common Commands chapter of the Agilent Technologies
E8285A Condensed Programming Reference Guide.
Option not installed.
This message appears if a function is selected that requires optional hardware that is not
Pilot Strength Measurement Message not received from mobile.
This message appears if the Pilot Strength Measurement Message (PSMM) is not received
from the mobile station within 2 or 3 seconds after the Pilot Measurement Request Order
(PMRO) is sent.
Squelch interrupt overflow. Press MEAS RESET.
This message appears if the Test Set temporarily interrupts audio measurements when
squelch is first broken to prevent internal switching transients from influencing
measurements (except when using the OSCILLOSCOPE, SPECTRUM ANALYZER,
DECODER, or SERVICE screens). If squelch is repetitively broken in a period of a few
seconds, the duration of measurement interruption becomes too great, and the Test Set
stops interrupting the signal. Following measurements may be influenced by transient
Pressing the MEAS RESET
clears the data buffer used to generate interrupts,
resetting the normal squelch operation to eliminate transients.
This condition might occur when monitoring low-level off-the-air signals.
Turn off either AM or FM settings.
This message appears if the creation of simultaneous AM and FM (using any combination
of AFGen1, AFGen2, and the
Mod In To
field) was attempted. The Test Set does not
provide simultaneous AM and FM.
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