Chapter 6, IBASIC Controller
Serial I/O from IBASIC Programs
Serial I/O from IBASIC Programs
There are two serial ports available for I/O (input / output) to peripherals external
to the Test Set. To bring data in to the Test Set through the serial port(s) use the
IBASIC ENTER command. To send data out, use the OUTPUT command.
Serial Ports 9 and 10
The Test Set provides Serial Ports 9 and 10 on two 9-pin subminiature D
connectors on the rear panel. For information about serial port configuration, refer
to the
"Test Set Serial Port Configuration" on page 275
Example IBASIC Program Using Port 10
The following program illustrates I/O to both serial ports. The program sends a
prompt message to a terminal connected to Serial Port 9 and waits for a response
from the user at the terminal. When the response is received from the terminal
connected to Serial Port 9, a series of ASCII characters are sent out Serial Port 10.
10 !......ASCII CHARACTER CYCLER...........
20 !......Prompts user over Serial Port 9. To see this prompt, you need to
30 !......be connected to a terminal at 9600 baud.
40 !......Outputs ASCII characters on Serial Port 10 beginning with ASCII
50 !......character 32 (space) and ending with ASCII character 126 (~).
60 !......Characters are output with no CR/LF.
70 OUTPUT 9;"When you are ready for data to be sent on port 10, press ENTER"
80 OUTPUT 800;"CONF:SPOR:SIN ’IBASIC’;BAUD ’9600’" !Allows IBASIC to read port 9.
90 DIM A$[10]
100 ENTER 9;A$ !Program waits here until CR/LF is received.
110 !...........................................................................
120 I=32
130 WHILE I<=126
140 OUTPUT 10 USING "K,#";CHR$(I) !Outputs characters all on one line.
150 I=I+1
170 OUTPUT 800;"CONF:SPOR:SIN ’Inst’" !Sets port 9 to IBASIC entry field.
180 EXECUTE ("CURSOR HOME") !Places cursor at left of IBASIC entry field.
190 END
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