Chapter 5, Memory Cards/Mass Storage
DOS and LIF File System Considerations
Potential File Name Conflicts
Unexpected file operation can occur if proper consideration is not given to the
different file system naming conventions and the file entry field width.
A full DOS file name is 12 characters
(8-character file name + . + 3 character extension).
A full DOS file name will not fit in the Test Set’s file entry field.
On a DOS formatted disk, any file with the .PGM extension is considered a TESTS
Subsystem code file. If the TESTS Subsystem attempts to retrieve a file which is not a
code file, the following error will be generated:
Error reading code file.
Check file and media.
On a DOS formatted disk, any file with the .PRC extension is considered a TESTS
Subsystem procedure file. If the TESTS Subsystem attempts to retrieve a file which is
not a procedure file, the following error will be generated:
Error reading
procedure file. Check file and media.
On a DOS formatted disk, any file with the .LIB extension is considered a TESTS
Subsystem library file. If the TESTS Subsystem attempts to retrieve a file which is not
a library file, the following error will be generated:
Error reading library
file. Check file and media.
When copying LIF named files to a DOS formatted media, the file name is silently trun-
cated to 8 characters since DOS only allows 8-character file names. This could result in
ERROR 54 Duplicate File Name
When storing or deleting files to a DOS formatted media, the file name is silently trun-
cated to 8 characters since DOS only allows 8-character file names. This could result in
ERROR 54 Duplicate File Name
File Naming Recommendations
If switching between media types (DOS and LIF) or operating exclusively in DOS
the following naming conventions are recommended.
Ensure that only TESTS Subsystem procedure files use the .PRC file extension.
Ensure that only TESTS Subsystem library files use the .LIB file extension.
Ensure that only TESTS Subsystem code files use the .PGM file extension.
Ensure that only user-written NMT test files use the .NMT file extension.
Ensure that only Save/Recall register files use the .SAV file extension.
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