Chapter 6, IBASIC Controller
PROGram Subsystem
Using the EXECute Command
The PROGram:EXECute command can be used to list, edit and control IBASIC
programs in the Test Set from an external controller. This eliminates having to use
the cursor control knob and provides a more efficient way of making small
changes to programs. The full range of IBASIC program commands can be
executed from an external controller using the PROGram:EXECute command.
The following operations are given as typical examples of using the
PROGram:EXECute command.
The program commands and syntax used to send data from the external controller to the
Test Set will depend upon the programming language used in the external controller. The
examples which follow represent the capabilities of HP
Rocky Mountain BASIC
programming language running on an HP
9000/300 Series Controller.
When a PROGram Subsystem command is sent to the Test Set through GPIB
from an external controller the Test Set is put into REMOTE mode. The Test Set
must be put in LOCAL mode to use the front panel keys or to use the serial ports
to input data into the IBASIC Command line.
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