Error Messages
Non-Recoverable Firmware Error
This error, also referred to as an “assert” occurs when the Test Set encounters a condition
that the firmware cannot proceed from - causing the Test Set to halt operation until power
is cycled. The message appears in the center of the Test Set’s display and (except for the
two lines in the second paragraph) has the form:
Non-recoverable firmware error.
Please record the 2 lines of
text below and contact Hewlett Packard through your local
service center. In the U.S., you may call the factory at
(800) 827-3848.
‘Address error exception’
at line number 0
To continue operation, turn POWER off and back on.
Unfortunately, you will not be able to recover from this condition without turning the Test
Set off. If the failure reoccurs when you attempt to repeat the operation that caused the
failure in the first place, you should record exactly what the configuration of the instru-
ment was when the error appeared, and contact Agilent Technologies. This information
will help us determine the proper course of action for your repair.
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