E8285A Support
The documentation supplied with your test set is an excellent source of reference,
applications, and service information. Please use these manuals if you are experi-
encing technical problems:
Applications information is included in the Agilent Technologies E8285A CDMA
Mobile Station Test Set Application Guide (Agilent Technologies P/N E8285-90019)
Calibration and repair information are in the Agilent Technologies E8285A CDMA
Mobile Station Test Set Assembly Level Repair Manual - this manual (Agilent
Technologies P/N E8285-90033).
If you have used the manuals and still have application questions, contact your
local Agilent Technologies Sales Representative.
Repair assistance is available for the Agilent Technologies E8285A CDMA Mobile Test
Set from the factory by phone and e-mail. Internal Agilent Technologies users can contact
the factory through Agilent Technologies Desk or cc:Mail© (Lotus Corporation). Parts
information is also available from Agilent Technologies.
When calling or writing for repair assistance, please have the following information ready:
Instrument model number (Agilent Technologies E8285A)
Instrument Serial Number (tag located on the rear panel).
Installed options - if any (tag located on the rear panel).
Instrument firmware revision (displayed at the top of the screen when the Test Set is
powered up, and is also displayed on the CONFIGURE screen).
Support Telephone
1 800 827 3848 (Spokane Division Service Assistance, U.S. only)
1 509 921 3848 (Spokane Division Service Assistance, International)
1 800 227 8164 (Agilent Technologies Direct Parts Ordering, U.S. only)
1 916 783 0804 (Agilent Technologies Service Parts Identification, U.S. & Intl.)
Electronic mail (Internet): [email protected]
Artisan Technology Group - Quality Instrumentation ... Guaranteed | (888) 88-SOURCE | www.artisantg.com