Error Messages
Change Ref Level, Input Port or Attenuator (if using “Hold”).
This message appears if the RF signal level is either too great or too small for the current
input port, attenuator setting, or both. This error often occurs when trying to make a low-
level measurement using the RF IN/OUT port with the Spectrum Analyzer. Make the
indicated changes until this message is no longer displayed.
Change RF Gen Amplitude, Output Port or Atten Hold (if on).
This message appears if the RF Generator
field is set too high when using
the RF IN/OUT port or when adjusting the amplitude with the
Atten Hold
field set to
. The RF IN/OUT port has a lower maximum output level than the DUPLEX OUT port.
Use the DUPLEX OUT port, or reduce the RF Generator level. Also, if the
Atten Hold
is set to
, the amplitude might be adjusted outside of the allowed range. Change the
Decoder buffer full. Decrease gate time.
This message appears if too many decoder samples were sent to the decoder buffer during
a measurement gate time, causing a data overflow. Reducing the gate time decreases the
amount of data sent during each measurement.
Delta between RF Power and a channel level greater than 30 dB
This message appears if a code channel level (pilot, sync, paging, or traffic) is set to a
value outside of the 30-dB range relative to the RF Power level.
To find out which code channel is causing this error message, calculate the delta between
RF Power and Sector A power. Add to this value the delta between Sector A power and
the code channel that is set to the lowest value. If this total exceeds 30 dB, decrease the
delta by adjusting the code channel level or the Sector A Power level closer to the
displayed RF Power. Repeat for Sector B if necessary.
Direct latch write occurred. Cycle power when done servicing.
This message appears if the SERVICE screen was accessed and one or more internal latch
settings were changed. Turn the instrument off and back on to reset the latches. (This
condition might occur during periodic calibration.)
Input value out of range.
This message appears if a number was entered that was too large or small for the selected
field, for example, attempting to set
AFG1 Freq
to 125 kHz.
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