Chapter 5, Memory Cards/Mass Storage
Using External Disk Drives
Initializing External Disks
All new external disk media must be initialized before it can be used to store
information. External disk media can be initialized for either LIF (Logical
Interchange Format) or DOS (Disk Operating System) format using the Test Set.
"DOS and LIF File System Considerations" on page 247
External disk media can be initialized from the TESTS (IBASIC Controller)
screen by inserting the new media into the external disk drive and executing the
following IBASIC command:
INITIALIZE "<volume type>:<external disk mass storage volume
where the <volume type> can be LIF or DOS
For example:
To verify that disk media has been properly initialized, execute the IBASIC
CAT "<external disk mass storage volume specifier>"
For example:
CAT ":,702,1"
The IBASIC INITIALIZE command defaults to LIF format. Any media (RAM Disk, SRAM
Cards, External Hard Disk Drive or 3.5-inch floppy) formatted using the default conditions of
the INITIALIZE command will be the LIF format and will be unusable in the Test Set, except
for IBASIC mass storage operations. Refer to
"Initializing Media for DOS or LIF File
System" on page 251
for information on formatting media for the DOS file system.
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