Chapter 6, IBASIC Controller
Method #2. Developing Programs on the Test Set Using the IBASIC EDIT Mode
Setting Up Function Keys In Microsoft Windows Terminal
When in the TERMINAL mode, click on Settings, then Function Keys. ^[ is
ESCAPE in Windows Terminal. See
table 34 on page 301
for the escape codes.
Windows Terminal seems to work best when a mouse is used to access the function keys,
not the keyboard. Also, scrolling a program works best when the Terminal window display
is maximized).
Setting Up Function Keys in Agilent Technologies AdvanceLink
From the
(highest level) screen, set up the 8 softkeys as follows:
1. Display User Definition screens by pressing Ctrl F9.
2. Enter all the LABEL titles for K1 through K8.
3. Activate the “Display Function” feature by pressing softkey
4. Now you can enter the escape codes for each edit command aligned with the soft
key definitions you just entered. With the Display Functions key pressed, when you
press the escape key, a left arrow will be displayed.
Once you have set up all 8 keys, you activate them by pressing Shift F12. To deactivate
your user defined softkeys, press F12.
is ESCAPE in Agilent Technologies AdvanceLink. See
table 34 on page 301
for the
escape codes.
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