Chapter 1, Getting Started
Obtaining Measurement Results
General Programming Procedure
1. For each measurement you want to perform programmatically, make the measurement
manually using the front-panel controls of the Test Set. You will find procedures for
making measurements in the Agilent E8285A Application Guide. Record, in sequential
order, the screens selected and the settings made within each screen.
2. Record the measurement result(s).
3. Develop the program using the measurement procedure generated in step 2. For CDMA
measurements, the Agilent E8285A Application Guide provides step-by-step GPIB
command examples.
4. Make sure the desired measurement is selected and in the ON state. This is the PRESET
state for most measurements. However, if a previous program has set the state to OFF,
no measurement result will be available. Attempting to read from a measurement field
that is not in the ON state will cause
GPIB Error:-420 Query
5. Trigger the desired measurement if the RETRigger MODE is SINGle. You will find
that the Test Set automatically enters REPetitive trigger MODE for CDMA measure-
ments when an GPIB command is sent to it.
6. Send the appropriate MEASure query command to initiate a reading. This will place the
measured value into the Test Set’s Output Queue.
7. Use the ENTER statement to transfer the measured value to a variable within the con-
text of the program.
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