Chapter 6, IBASIC Controller
Method #3. Developing Programs Using Word Processor on a PC (Least Preferred)
The following example shows how to transfer a short program (<100 lines) using
Microsoft Windows Terminal.
1. Make sure the Test Set cursor is in the upper left of the IBASIC Command Line field.
2. Select the
Terminal application
in the Accessories Group. Set it up as de-
scribed in earlier in this chapter.
3. Select the following:
Text Transfers
Flow Control: Line at a Time
Delay Between Lines: 25/10 Sec
Word Wrap
Outgoing Text at Column: Off.
4. Select the following:
Send Text File
Following CR:
Strip LF selected
Append LF not selected.
5. Select the text file to be transferred and begin the transfer by selecting (OK).
As the transfer starts the
IBASIC Command Line
field will intensify and
characters will scroll in left to right. As each line is finished the “*” annunciator
will be displayed, for about 0.5 seconds, in the upper, right corner of the Test Set
indicating that the IBASIC controller is running as the line is parsed. If another
line is sent before this parsing is complete, the Test Set will beep indicating an
error, and the next line of the transfer will be rejected.
If the transfer is rejected, the transfer must be halted and the delay between lines
increased to a slightly higher number. Start the transfer again from the beginning.
When all lines have transferred, list the program to verify it was completely
received. At this time, the program is ready to run. The RUN command can be
keyed in from the PC or the K1 Run key in the TESTS (IBASIC Controller)
screen can be pressed.
Do not press the Run Test key in the TESTS (Main Menu) screen as this will scratch the
program you just loaded and look to the memory card for a procedure file.
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