Chapter 6, IBASIC Controller
The Test Set contains an instrument controller that can run programs to control the
various instruments in the Test Set and instruments/devices connected to the Test
Set’s external I/O ports (GPIB, serial and parallel).
The instrument controller runs a subset of the Hewlett-Packard
Rocky Mountain
BASIC programming language called Instrument BASIC or IBASIC. Using this
programming language it is possible to develop programs which use the Test Set’s
instruments to automatically test a variety of radios. Software, the 83217 series, is
available from Agilent Technologies for testing the major radio systems currently
in use today. Users can also develop their own IBASIC programs for automated
radio testing.
This chapter is designed to provide the programmer with the information needed
to develop IBASIC programs for use on the built-in IBASIC controller. Refer to
the individual Agilent Technologies 83217 software manuals for information on
using the IBASIC controller with Agilent Technologies supplied software.
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