Chapter 4, Status Reporting
Setting up an SRQ Interrupt
8. Service the interrupt.
To re-enable the SRQ interrupt after branching to the line in your code that
services the interrupt:
1. Clear the Status Byte Register. Example:
Status Byte = SPOLL (714).
The SPOLL command queries the Status Byte Register. Bit 6 is the RQS bit, and should be
set indicating that the Test Set requested service.
2. Query the Event Register. Example:
Since our example set up an interrupt only on the CDMA Status Register Bit 3, Bit 3
should be true when you read the Event Register. This command also clears the con-
tents of the CDMA Event Register.
3. Clear other Event Registers in the path to the Status Byte Register Group. Examples:
reads the Operation Status Register Group Event Register, clearing its contents so that
another interrupt won’t be generated until the SMB from the CDMA Status Register
Group is true.
clears all the event register contents. (Using this command will work for this example,
but would not be a good choice if multiple events were generating SRQ interrupts,
because bits that flag other events would be cleared).
4. Re-enable the SRQ Interrupt.
5. Branch to return line. Example:
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