Chapter 6, IBASIC Controller
PROGram Subsystem
Saving an IBASIC Program To A Memory Card
The following procedure can be used to save an IBASIC program from the
IBASIC Controller’s RAM memory to a memory card inserted into the front panel
of the Test Set.
1. Press LOCAL, SHIFT, CANCEL on the Test Set to perform an IBASIC reset.
2. If the memory card has not been initialized, insert it into the Test Set and execute the
following command on the external controller:
3. Insert the initialized memory card into the Test Set.
4. Define the memory card as the Mass Storage device by executing the following com-
mand on the external controller:
5. Save the program to the memory card by executing the following command on the ex-
ternal controller:
OUTPUT 714;"PROG:EXEC ’SAVE ""<filename>""’"
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