Chapter 5, Memory Cards/Mass Storage
DOS and LIF File System Considerations
Test Set File Naming Conventions
The TESTS Subsystem uses the following file naming conventions:
The .PGM extension is used to indicate a code file and is automatically appended onto
the file name when the program code file is stored for use by the TESTS Subsystem.
The .PRC extension is used to indicate a procedure file and is appended onto the file
name when the file is stored by the TESTS Subsystem
The .LIB extension is used to indicate a library file and is appended onto the file name
when the file is created for use with the TESTS Subsystem
The Save/Recall register subsystem uses the following file naming convention:
The .SAV extension is used to indicate a stored Save/Recall register file and is appended
onto the file name when the file is created
The Signaling Decoder in NMT mode uses the following file naming convention:
The .NMT extension is used to indicate a stored NMT file and is appended onto the file
name when the file is created
Test Set File Entry Field Width
The TESTS Subsystem and the Save/Recall register subsystem have fields into
which the operator enters a file name. These fields are used by the operator to
enter the name of a file to be stored or loaded. The width of these fields is 8
characters and was chosen to support the DOS file naming convention of 8
characters. Consequently these fields will not hold a 10-character file name which
is allowed in the LIF file system.
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