Chapter 4, Status Reporting
Setting up an SRQ Interrupt
1. Decide which conditions will be used to generate an SRQ interrupt.
For the following procedure and programming example, the CDMA Call
Connected bit, (
see "CDMA Status Register Group Bit Assignments" on page 126
will generate an SRQ interrupt when a a high-to-low transition occurs, indicating
that a call ended or was dropped.
Refer to
figure 33
below for a graphic summary of all of the Status Register
Groups. Note that the CDMA Status Register Group summary message bit (SMB)
does not report directly into the Status Byte Register Group. Instead, it is routed to
the Operation Status Register Group. The following steps will show you how to
set up each register group to allow propagation of bit-states to the Status Byte
register, which is required before an SRQ interrupt can be generated.
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