ScreenMaster RVG200
Paperless recorder
Appendix A – Signal sources
Count pulse 1A to 24B
Totalizer count pulse
Active for 100 ms each time the totalizer updates by one whole count. For example, if
two decimal places are set, a pulse is generated when the totalizer value increments
from 0.99 to 1.00 or 1.99 to 2.00
Available only if the totalizer option is enabled and the relevant totalizer is enabled
during configuration.
Logic equation 1 to 24
Logic equation result
Available only if the Math and Logic option is enabled and the relevant logic equation is
enabled during configuration.
Any Electronic Signature
Batch Power Failure Abort
On signal pulse after power up.
Group Batch Running
On signal while running.
Hybrid Dgtl I/P C1 to D5
Digital input states
Digital signals received from hybrid modules fitted at module positions C and D.
Available only if the module is fitted.
Arc media present
Active when the removable archive media is present.
Archive on-line
Active when archiving is in progress.
Source Name
Table A.1 Signal sources (Continued)