ZXR10 Alarm Handling Manual
Related Alarms
If there is some alarms that are related to this one, such as the
source alarm that generates this one and the alarms caused by
this one, please list them.
Recommended Operations
This section lists the recommended operations that can remove
the alarms .
1. The general analysis methods for the alarms are as follows.
i. Read the alarm message, information description carefully
and refer to the related content in this manual.
ii. Check whether the network connection is normal using net-
work commands such as ping, telnet, netstat, ipconfig/if-
config, route, trace/tracert and so on.
iii. View the related data configuration directly to check
whether there is error, missed or unreasonable configura-
For more difficult problems, analyse them with the net-
work protocol analysis software "sniffer".
v. For possible hardware malfunction, replace this hardware
with the same available hardware to help the manager to
determine whether the malfunction is from the software or
the hardware.
2. The general disposal methods for the alarms are as follows.
i. For hardware or device malfunction, contact with ZTE ser-
vice staff to replace it. For malfunctions such as "hardware
dissatisfactory", add the hardware or replace the low ca-
pacity parts.
ii. For software or the system malfunctions, upgrade or down-
grade the software version. Backup the configuration be-
fore version upgrading.
iii. For alarms caused by the environment, please check and
resolve the problems in time according to alarm failure and
alarm message. Avoide or reduce the direct or physical
damage for the device caused by the environment.
iv. For system setup and configuration problems, check where
the malfunction is and modify the configuration .
alarms caused by error input commands, please view the
online command "help" or refer to related manual and
execute it after inputting this command again.
v. For alarms caused by the other end, inform the other end
of the displayed alarm message and assist in resolving this
problem. And then check and inform the other end whether
this alarm is removed.
3. For alarms that can not be resolved by users, contact with
ZXR10 router professors of ZTE corporation or call our cus-
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