About This Manual
The manual is ZXR10 Router/Ethernet Switch Message Manual and
suited for following equipments.
ZXR10 GAR universal access router (shorted as ZXR10 GAR)
ZXR10 GER universal high-performance router (shorted as
ZXR10 T64E/T128 carrier class high-end router (shorted as
ZXR10 T64E/T128)
ZXR10 3900/3200 series intelligent Ethernet switches (shorted
as ZXR10 3900/3200)
ZXR10 5900/5200 series all gigabit-port intelligent routing
switch (shorted as ZXR10 5900/5200)
ZXR10 T160G/T64G/T40G 10G MPLS routing switch (shorted
as ZXR10 T160G/T64G/T40G)
ZXR10 8900 series 10G MPLS routing switch (shorted as ZXR10
The manual content is based on unified ZXROS platform and suited
to all equipments if with no special note or described as ZXR10.
In the manual, the contents describing router are also applied to
the switches with route function.
This manual is intended for engineers and technicians who perform
operation activities on ZXR10 Router/Ethernet Switch.
What Is in This
This manual describes alarm messages that may appear during the
operation of ZXR10 router/Ethernet switch, command configura-
tion error prompt messages that may appear during configuration,
as well as TRAP messages sent by the router.
This manual contains the following chapters:
Chapter 1, Alarm Overview
This chapter describes the alarm
message format on ZXR10
Router/Ethernet Switch.
Chapter 2, Alarm Message
This chapter describes the alarm
messages appeared on ZXR10
data product, including hardware
alarm and software alarm.
Chapter 3, Command
Configuration Error Prompt
This chapter describes the error
prompt message appeared during
command configuration.
Chapter 4, TRAP Message
This chapter describes all TRAP
messages sent by system.
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