Chapter 2 Alarm
Sub-code Description
Sub-code 1: Start a loopback test;
Sub-code 2: Respond a loopback test.
Effect on the System
This alarm indicates that the protocol is performing loopback test and the service is in the
loopback status. The traffic flow is interrupted, but this is not a fault.
Possible Causes
The loopback test is started manually at the local end or the remote end.
Handling Procedure
Ensure that the remote loopback response parameter of the port that reports the alarm
is disabled.
Check the ETH_EFM_LOOPBACK alarm of the remote NE and find out the port that
initiates loopback towards the remote NE.
This alarm does not indicates a fault. If the port is not expected to be involved in the
loopback test to avoid traffic flow interruption, do as follows:
Set the remote loopback response to Disable for this port.
Avoid initiating loopback test for the port at both the local and the opposite end.
SJ-20111008094748-008|2012–05–30 (R1.1)
ZTE Proprietary and Confidential