IM AQ1300-01EN
Frame Setting (Basic setting) Screen
Frame Structure
Set the Tx frame structure.
• In Manual mode, regardless of the test layer specified in the test setup, the frames of the type specified
by the Frame Structure setting are sent.
• If you use the frame builder in the setup software and create a frame whose structure does not match one
of those listed above, the frame structure is indicated as “Unknown.”
• After you change from an unknown frame structure to another frame structure, you cannot return to the
unknown frame structure.
Refer to Source Address for the VLAN Setting
Select whether or not to refer to the source address for the VLAN settings.
• Selected: The AQ1300/AQ1301 refers to the source address for the VLAN settings.
• Cleared: The AQ1300/AQ1301 does not refer to the source address for the VLAN settings.
VLAN Stacks
When the “Refer to Source Address for the VLAN Setting” check box is cleared, set the number of
VLAN stacks.
• None: No VLAN stacks.
• 1: One VLAN stack.
• 2: Two VLAN stacks.
If you use the setup software to specify three or more VLAN stacks, the frame structure is indicated as
“Unknown” on the AQ1300/AQ1301.
Frame Length and Actual Length
Set the Tx frame length.
Range: 48 to 9999 bytes
The actual frame length that corresponds to the length you set is also displayed. When the “Refer
to Source Address for the VLAN Setting” check box is selected, the actual frame length changes
according to the number of VLAN stacks specified for the source address.
1 VLAN stack: +4 bytes
2 VLAN stacks: +8 bytes
Fill Pattern
Specify the fill pattern to insert into the payload area.
• ALL0: All zeros
• ALL1: All ones
• 0/1: Alternating zeros and ones
• Random: A random pattern
• Manual: A user-specified pattern
Pattern Value
When Fill Pattern is set to Manual, specify the pattern value.
Range: 0 to FFFFFFFF
6.5 Configuring a Traffic Test