Chapter 5
DME Designer Owner’s Manual
When You Cannot Copy
Regardless of whether you drag or use copy and paste, you cannot create multiple copies from the
same single component. If you drag controls that are already copied into the user control editor or
user module editor, the mouse pointer will change into the “unavailable” mark (a circle with a
diagonal slash), indicating that you cannot copy.
You can copy more than one component of the same type into the user control editor, as long as
they come from different components located in the configuration or user module.
Controls for components arranged in the configuration can be copied only to the user control
Controls for components arranged in a user module can be copied to both the user control editor
and the user module.
Order of Controls
Controls newly pasted in the user control editor will be displayed above any previously pasted
controls they overlap. The tab order for edit boxes will be the order in which they were pasted.
In the component editor, you can select multiple controls using <Ctrl> + click or by dragging. Once controls are copied,
they will be pasted in the order in which they were copied.