Chapter 4
DME Designer Owner’s Manual
Ellipse Object Properties
To display the “Ellipse Properties” dialog box, double-click on an ellipse object, or select an ellipse
object, then click the [Properties] command on the [Edit] menu.
[Width] Box
Specifies the width of the object in pixels. The default is 50 pixels.
[Height] Box
Specifies the height of the object in pixels. The default is 50 pixels.
[Color] Button
Sets the color of the ellipse. Clicking here displays the “Select Color” dialog box.
For information about the “Select Color” dialog box, see
Sets the line that frames the ellipse.
• [Type]
Displays a list where you can select the type of line to frame the ellipse. The following types
are available: [Solid], [Dash], [Dot], [DashDot], and [DashDotDot].
• [Size] Box
Sets the width of the line that frames the ellipse. This setting can range from 1 to 100 pixels.
• [Color] Button
Sets the color of the line that frames the ellipse. Clicking here displays the “Select Color”
dialog box.
For information about the “Select Color” dialog box, see
[OK] Button
Accepts the changed settings and closes the dialog box.
[Cancel] Button
Closes the dialog box without changing the settings.