Fi ne
The Fine (fine tune) setting determines the pitch o f the
VCO 1 in 1 -cent steps o ver a rang e o f 1 0 0 cents, o r
o ne semito ne. Turning the kno b to the rig ht raises the
pitch, while turning it to the left lo wers the pitch. The
center po sitio n (value = 0 ) is the basic pitch.
-5 0 ~ 0 ~ +5 0 (cents)
Edg e
The Edg e setting adjusts the sharpness o r smo o thness
o f the edg e o f the VCO 1 wave. Turning the kno b to the
rig ht pro duces a sharper wave, resulting in a harsher
so und. Turning it to the left pro duces a ro under wave,
resulting in a so fter so und. A value o f “ 0 ” results in a
sine wave.
0 ~ 1 2 7
Sharper wave
Rounder wave
Sine wave
(Pulse W idth)
The PW setting determines the width o f the VCO 1
pulse wave. Turning the kno b to the rig ht pro duces
mo re harmo nics, resulting in a fatter so und. In g eneral,
pulse width is used to co ntro l the pulse wave; ho wever,
the AN 1 x can use PW with o ther waves as well, fo r a
wider po ssible variety o f so unds than usual.
W hen set to 6 4 , the Pulse W idth is equally balanced,
g enerating o nly o dd-numbered harmo nics.
0 ~ 6 4 ~ 1 2 7 (0 % ~ 5 0 % ~ 9 9 %)
PW M De pth
(Pulse W idth
M odula tion Depth)
The PW M Depth setting determines the amo unt o f
depth o f the pulse width mo dulatio n o f the VCO 1 ,
based o n the PW M So urce wave (see next pag e).
Turning the kno b to the rig ht pro duces a deeper
mo dulatio n.
-6 4 ~ +6 3
Basic Pulse Wave
(with only odd-
numbered harmonics)
More Harmonics
More Harmonics
Pulse Width is
Pulse Width is
64 (50%)
Pulse Width is