Ri ng M o d ul a t o r, N o i se A nd M i x e r
switch lets yo u use CO N TRO L kno bs 1 -4 to determine
the levels o f the VCO 1 , VCO 2 , Ring Mo dulato r and
N o ise sig nals, respectively. CO N TRO L kno b 5 lets yo u
determine the cuto ff frequency o f the Hig h Pass Filter
applied to the sig nal which is o utput fro m the mixer,
and CO N TRO L kno b 6 lets yo u select the VCF filter
type (LPF, HPF, BPF, BEF) which is co ntro lled by the VCF
Cuto ff frequency (in the [VCF] parameter g ro up).
CO N TRO L kno b 7 lets yo u adjust the Filter Mo dulatio n
Depth to create a wah effect.
For more information about [ MIX/ VCF] parameters, see page 6 6 .
3 . V CA Edi t
Pressing the [VCA] KN O B PARAMETER G RO UP switch
g ives yo u access to the vo ltag e co ntro lled amplifier
parameters, which let yo u determine the vo lume o f the
so und and co nfig ure the Amplitude Envelo pe
G enerato r (AEG ).
CO N TRO L kno bs 1 -4 let yo u determine the Attack,
Decay, Sustain and Release values, respectively, to g ive
yo u precisio n co ntro l o ver ho w the vo lume o f the vo ice
chang es o ver time— fro m when a key is pressed, held,
then released, and subsequently ho w lo ng it takes fo r
the so und to terminate. The diag rams which fo llo w
sho w the difference in envelo pe g enerato r
characteristics fo r so me co mmo n instruments.
For more information, see page 6 8 .
Key on
Key off
A m o d D e p t h A nd Ve l Se ns
CO N TRO L kno b 7 lets yo u adjust Amplitude
Mo dulatio n Depth to create a tremo lo effect by using
LFO 1 . CO N TRO L kno b 8 lets yo u set the Velo city
Sensitivity to determine the amplitude o f the VCA in
relatio n to playing streng th, to either increase dynamic
rang e with a heavier o r lig hter to uch.
For more information about Amod Depth and Vel Sens parameters, see page 7 0 .
Fe e d b a ck A nd Vo l um e
CO N TRO L kno b 5 lets yo u determine the feedback
level which is o utput fro m the VCA and then " fed
back" into the input o f the mixer, causing the sig nal to
beco me fat. CO N TRO L kno b 6 lets yo u determine the
o verall o utput level fro m the VCA befo re the sig nal
passes to the Effect blo ck.
For more information about Feedback and Volume parameters, see page 6 9 .
4 . LFO Edi t
The Lo w Frequency O scillato r is an o scillato r which
g enerates lo w frequency sig nals to let yo u apply a
mo dulatio n sig nal to specific aspects o f the vo ice. Fo r
example, applying the LFO to the VCO creates vibrato ,
applying it to the VCF creates wah, and applying it to
the VCA creates tremo lo . The AN 1 x has two separate
LFO s which g ive yo u a wide rang e o f co ntro l o ver
mo dulatio n.
W a v e A nd Sp e e d
Pressing the [PEG / LFO ] KN O B PARAMETER G RO UP
switch lets yo u use CO N TRO L kno b 5 to select the
LFO 1 W ave fro m 2 1 types available. CO N TRO L kno b
6 lets yo u adjust LFO 1 Speed, and CO N TRO L kno b 7
lets yo u determine the LFO 1 Delay time o f the
mo dulatio n. CO N TRO L kno b 8 lets yo u adjust the
LFO 2 Speed fo r the LFO 2 wave, which is fixed to a
triang le wave.
For more information about LFO parameters, see page 5 4 .
Storing A Voice
As yo u edit yo ur vo ice, depending o n whether yo u' re
wo rking o n Scene 1 , Scene 2 o r the Scene Co ntro l so und,
yo u may want to perfo rm Vo ice Sto re o peratio ns.