LIMIT CHECK Limit 1 2 3 4
Min Video Carrier Level: +0.0 dBmV X
Max Delta Video Levels: 10.0 dB X
Min Delta V/A: 6.5 dB X X
Max Delta V/A: 17.0 dB X X X
Max Delta Adjacent Channels: 3.0 dB X X X X
24 Hour Video Deviation: 8.0 dB
Conclusion: F A I L
Reviewed: ______________________________
Date: __________________
7. The channels with the asterisks exceeded the Max Delta
Adjacent Channels limit. The limits that the readings were
compared to are printed at the bottom of the report. To the
right of the limits, the report displays each interval that failed
the specific limit. If a particular measurement was not within
the specified limit, a HI/LO marker is printed next to the
reading indicating the direction that the measurement was
out of specification.
To view the measurement data from an interval, use the
up/down arrow keys to highlight the interval then press the
soft key.
The first screen displayed is a tabular list that includes the
video and audio carrier levels along with the Delta V/A for
each channel. Use the up/down arrows to scroll through the
list. Indicators appear within the list to flag out-of-limit
conditions. The following table relates each indicator with its
* adjacent channel limit violation
over limit violation
under limit violation
> over range measurement error
< under range measurement error
E unlocked measurement error