CSO (Composite Second Order) is a clustering of second order
beats at any frequency in the spectrum, which causes interference to
picture quality when they fall within the video bandwidth. CTB
(Composite Triple Beat) is a clustering of third order distortion
products usually around the video carrier frequency.
The capability to make these measurements enables you to
troubleshoot and correct the cause of this unwanted distortion.
NOTE: Wavetek recommends that a < 12 MHz band pass filter be
used to limit the amount of intermodulation distortion caused by
overload of the RF input of the SAM 4040D. If used, a preamplifier
should be placed between the band pass filter and the receiver.
In SPECT Mode, press the CSO/CTB soft key to initiate CSO/CTB
measurements. The SAM 4040D first switches to a 30 kHz
Resolution bandwidth (see top part of the display, figure 4-10),
measures the carrier and then prompts you to turn the carrier off.
The signal must be unmodulated.
Figure 4-10: CSO/CTB, Carrier ON