node in a cascade. In analog systems, this should be a reference
amplifier test point, or head end test point. After saving these levels,
subsequent sweep scans are normalized to them.
In the remainder of the cascade, attach to a desired test point. The
SAM 4040D will scan through the start and stop frequencies you
program and measure the carriers in the field, computing and
displaying the normalized values.
Advanced Field Spectrum Analysis
In SCAN Measurement Mode, you can use the SAM 4040D much
like a spectrum analyzer. Faster than the original SAM4040 unit, the
SAM 4040D catches and displays bursty noise. You can Program
start, stop, center frequencies to zoom in and zoom out. Also, you
can use Zero Span, Peak, and Desired/Undesired modes for digital
carrier analysis.
SAM 4040D features an advanced spectrum analysis capability with
many features. This is the ultimate tool for tracking down hard-to-
find problems in the cable network. The spectrum analyzer works
over the entire 5-1,000 Mhz in frequency range, and can be tuned
either by channel or frequency. Several convenient spans are
available. Peak hold and dwell time can be varied to track down
intermittent signals. A low-pass filter and preamplifier are available
to help find difficult return path problems.
CSO and CTB can also be measured using the SAM 4040D
spectrum mode. These can help find the source of intermodulation
problems and confirm compliance with system performance
Desired/Undesired TDMA Signal Measurement
This is a powerful digital carrier analysis measurement that requires
you to first setup the center frequencies and measurement
bandwidths. The display will show the level of the desired
cablemodem or other digital TDMA signal carrier frequency (on the
reverse path) with the undesired noise. This Zero Span mode of the
SAM 4040D allows you to see the real operating conditions,
impairments, and noise relevant to cablemodem or digital set-top.
This SAM 4040D spectrum mode includes is based on a powerful
zero-span mode display that can be used to measure and analyze
many TDMA digital channels and difficult ingress signals. Zero span