mode selected, you can compare a stored sweep file
with the current system sweep response. This allows you to
compare two locations in the cable system, or to compare two
sweeps from the same point, but from different times. By overlaying
the files on each other, you can quickly see any differences.
Activate Overlay mode in the
Configure ,Sweep Receiver, Sweep
menu by turning on
Sweep File Overlay
. With
mode on, a
sweep file selected for viewing modifies the current display. Refer to
Figure 8-4, an example Sweep File. The sweep file is displayed as a
gray area (instead of the usual black), and the current sweep
response is displayed as a black line in front of the file.
Figure 8-4: Sweep Reference with Live Sweep
In the file shown above, a ‘trap’ was added after the file was stored.
It is very easy to see the change caused by the trap. You can also
see the location of the trap in the sweep response. During a file
overlay view, you can use the same controls normally available for
sweep. Marker values are calculated from the current sweep
response. The file name (FILE in this case) and reference
(TEST_REF) are displayed near the bottom of the screen next to the
folder icon.