Sweep Time
Press to set sweep time: 20, 10, 05, 02, 01 Seconds; or 500,
200, 100, 50, 20, 05, 20, 10, 02, 01 milliseconds; or 500, 200,
100 microseconds (up/down arrow keys).
Press to turn sweep trigger ON/OFF (up/down arrow keys).
Trigger OFF: continuous update. Trigger ON: Updates when
carrier level has a rising edge that crosses the horizontal center
grid-line. If signal level never reaches trigger point, the
soft key (see previous icon) can be used.
Hysteresis Level.
Adjusts the amount of level the signal must change for a rising
edge to cause a trigger event.
D/U Markers
Edited with right/left arrows. Active marker is emboldened.
Reference Level
The reference level is located at the top line of the 6 x 10 graph.
The Adjust Reference Level using the up/down arrow keys or by
entering a numeric value followed by the
Enter key.