ingress source is found, this feature can be used to help find out
what is leaking into the cable network.
SAM 4040D also offers the capability to perform these proof-of-
performance tests on an
basis. The user can request
a complete battery of tests for any or all channels in the channel
plan. The SAM 4040D meter can perform these tests
immediately, or take a set of tests over any set of intervals
desired. This is useful when taking ‘24-hour’ tests as required by
the FCC in the US, and by other international governing bodies.
Spectrum Analysis
SAM 4040D features an advanced spectrum analysis capability.
This is a simple but extensive tool for tracking down hard-to-find
problems in the cable network. The spectrum analyzer works over
the entire 5 MHz to 1 GHz frequency range. Tuning can be by
channel or by frequency. Several convenient frequency spans from
3 to 50 MHz are available.
Maximum hold and dwell time can be varied to track down
intermittent signals. A low-pass filter and preamplifier are available
to help find difficult return path problems.
The SAM 4040D’s spectrum mode includes a very powerful zero-
span mode display that can be used to measure and analyze TDMA
digital channels and difficult ingress signals. Zero span mode allows
the user to perform in-service and in-channel D/U
(desired/undesired) measurements on TDMA channels. The user
can also see different transmitter levels individually, view data
‘collisions’, and see how heavy the traffic is on the coax.
CSO and CTB can also be measured using Spectrum mode. These
measurements can help find the source of inter-modulation problems
and confirm compliance with system performance specifications.
Turn the unit on. If the internal transmitter requires self-calibration,
you may see a prompt to perform a self-calibration of the internal
transmitter. At this time, just press the NAV support key, then scroll
with the arrow keys to the crossed-tool Config Icon. Select this icon
and you should see: