Error Messages
7162: File >All, External File >Import/Export
Importing a file failed. Check the format of the original file, and try again.
The Source and the target are the
same directory.
Please change the source or the
target directory.
7172: File >Configure >Unit ID Copy
The same directory and ID were selected for source and target.
Select different directories and IDs.
2542: Frame Memory >File >Auto Extraction
When [Extraction Start] was pressed, an internal processing error occurred.
Create thumbnail failed (
2542: Frame Memory >File >Auto Extraction
When [Extraction Start] was pressed, thumbnail creation failed (internal
processing error).
Red Symbol file not match (
2542: Frame Memory >File >Auto Extraction
When [Extraction Start] was pressed, a red marker frame file was invalid.
Blue Symbol file not match (
2542: Frame Memory >File >Auto Extraction
When [Extraction Start] was pressed, a blue marker frame file was invalid.
No data between two symbol files (
2542: Frame Memory >File >Auto Extraction
When [Extraction Start] was pressed, there was no data between two
marker frames.
Cannot find symbol file (
2542: Frame Memory >File >Auto Extraction
When [Extraction Start] was pressed, the marker frame file could not be
Clip frame error (
2542: Frame Memory >File >Auto Extraction
When [Extraction Start] was pressed, the number of frames in a clip was
invalid (internal processing error).
Clip not found (
2542: Frame Memory >File >Auto Extraction
When [Extraction Start] was pressed, the specified clip did not exist.
Clip is playing or being edited (
2542: Frame Memory >File >Auto Extraction
When [Extraction Start] was pressed, the specified clip was being played
back or edited.
Clip register error (
2542: Frame Memory >File >Auto Extraction
When [Extraction Start] was pressed, the data in the specified register could
not be processed (internal processing error).
Can’t extract pair clip (–15).
2542: Frame Memory >File >Auto Extraction
When [Extraction Start] was pressed, an attempt was made to extract a pair
Clip id not enough (
2542: Frame Memory >File >Auto Extraction
When [Extraction Start] was pressed, there were over 100 clips.
Still frame on FM 2nd board (
2542: Frame Memory >File >Auto Extraction
When [Extraction Start] was pressed, a still image was extracted from an
external clip.
Clip frame number
can’t be ODD in
720P format (
2542: Frame Memory >File >Auto Extraction
When [Extraction Start] was pressed, an odd number of clips were extracted
(720P format only).
File Frame Memory
Some requests are skipped.
Following operation is not permitted.
— Loading that will cause duplicate
register name.
7151: File >Frame Memory
7162: File >All, External File >Import/Export
An attempt was made to load a file with the same name as a file already in
the register.