System- and communication configuring D7-SYS - SIMADYN D
Edition 03.2001
The user program is used to implement the technological tasks on the
target hardware. It is generated at the programmer in the CFC
programming language, using the available utility programs such as
HWConfig, CFC editor, CFC compiler, linker/locator and the memory
module driver.
The CFC source code of the user program is converted into data
structures using the CFC compiler, and loaded on the target hardware
where it is processed by the operating system.
Utility programs are basic system functions for the operating system.
These include watchdog functions, functions to handle the CPU display,
special test- and interrupt routines to handle system errors. The service utility
The service utility provides a pool of information functions so that the user
has access to system information on the processor. The service utility is
designed as support resource for start-up and testing.
Configured data (setpoints/actual values) are displayed and/or changed
here and the software optimized (e. g. interconnection changes, controller
times changed etc.).
Causes of plant/system faults (crashes, run-up problems) and faults,
which are caused in the CPU module itself, are identified here.
All activities of the service utility are controlled via tasks, which are
received via "its" data interface (corresponding to the parameterization of
the service function block I/O).
All devices which can process the task- and response language of the
utility can be used as handling devices for the service utility. In the
SIMATIC TDC/SIMADYN D world, these are the programs (tools) CFC in
the test mode and service IBS (service start-up).
The user can also use his own tools. They must be compatible with the
interface definitions of the service utility. The interface specification can
be sourced from ASI 1 R.
The service utility is made available with the "SER" function block. This
function block ensures that none of the messages/data get lost.
The service utility differentiates between cyclic and non-cyclic tasks. A
non-cyclic task is completed when its response telegram has been sent.
A cyclic task remains active until it is explicitly terminated, either by being
aborted via a reset or as result of a new task. A task comprises of at least
one response telegram.
The service utility can always only process one task. The next task is
only processed if the previous task was responded to.
User program
Utility programs
Start-up area
Task processing