System- and communication configuring D7-SYS - SIMADYN D
Edition 12.2003
3.20 Communications utility, display control
3.20.1 General
The communications utility, display control can control two types of
display devices:
OP2 operator control device
can display and change a maximum of 24 configured process data
and maximum of 32 binary values
it can output SIMADYN D messages
Digital display VD1
this can display a maximum of 24 configured process data
The display devices communicate with SIMADYN D via the USS bus.
The configured data defines which display device is supplied with which
process data and binary values. Messages, when configured, are always
transmitted per broadcast to all of the display devices via the USS bus. A
selection is made locally at the OP2 as to which OP2 receives which
messages for display.
Further information
on the OP2, refer to the OP2 User Manual.
The format information for the process data and binary values is specified
by the configured data. This information is transferred to a display device
when this display is being initialized (e. g. after power-up). After the
initialization phase, only the process data selected at the display device
are cyclically transferred. For OP2, all of the binary values are also
cyclically transferred.
In this fashion, cyclic telegram data transfer along the USS bus can be
maintained, so that display devices and drive units can be simultaneously
handled on a USS bus.
3.20.2 Hardware
Hardware required for the display control:
USS master interface for SIMADYN D
CS7/SS4 or T400
(for a description of the USS bus refer to Chapter USS master coupling)
Display devices
Function of the